Thank you for visiting Sara & Lola cancer fundraiser.
We've selected 10 cancer charities for you to choose from. You'll see our fundraising target on the right. Your donation can really help us smash this goal and have a positive impact on the quality of lives with those affected by cancer.
Please share our YouTube link with as many people as you can and ask them to do the same and share this video with their friends and contacts. You can do this on facebook, twitter, email, and by good old word of mouth.
We've selected 10 cancer charities for you to choose from. You'll see our fundraising target on the right. Your donation can really help us smash this goal and have a positive impact on the quality of lives with those affected by cancer.
Please share our YouTube link with as many people as you can and ask them to do the same and share this video with their friends and contacts. You can do this on facebook, twitter, email, and by good old word of mouth.
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